The centrepiece of Team London's Oympic bid in 2005 was a new venue along the old waterways in London's East End. It would contain world-class sporting venues, but would also become - when the Games were over - the largest new urban park seen in Britain for over a century.
It was an ambitious project, and in some ways a controversial one. But for the old industrial waterways it created a new purpose, to be a part of a new city landscape that can be enjoyed and appreciated, and to be a location for new homes, schools, shops and communities.
As part of this regeneration, Carpenters Road Lock was given a complete overhaul to bring the unique double radial gates back into operation. The engineers built new gates, designed new gantries and lifting mechanisms, and prepared the lockside for visitors. You can find out more about the restoration process at this link.
Today Carpenters Road Lock is ready to lift again, to control floodwater and to allow boats to pass underneath its gates into the rivers around the London Stadium. Like the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and like Stratford, it has evolved a new purpose that is very much part of London's 21st century future.
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